Group of women chat in P.volve's locker room

Cost & Revenue Streams

Woman kneels on mat to perform compound exercise with a P.volve

What You’ll Need to Get Started

Make sure you’re warmed up for franchise ownership by getting your finances in order. Opening a franchise is a rewarding commitment that requires personal and financial investment. Below we’ve outlined what you’ll need to be considered for Pvolve ownership and the ways you can maximize your earning potential.

Franchise Fees

  • $50,000

    initial franchise fee

  • 7%

    royalty fees

  • $384,950 - $779,500

    estimated initial investment

Financial Requirements

  • $250,000

    minimum liquid capital

  • $750,000

    minimum net worth

Multiple Ways to Earn

  • Woman in purple athletic wear uses hand weights and p.ball to perform exercise in her home


    With an in-person membership, your customers will also get access to a robust on-demand digital platform and live classes to work out from home.

  • P.volve's proprietary equipment and gear showcased in lobby


    The combination of our method and equipment offers what no one else does: real fitness solutions that help people know their body better.

  • Millennial woman in purple top uses p.3 trainer in class


    Maximize revenue with various membership options ranging from class packs to hybrid memberships and in-studio equipment and retail sales.

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