Woman with defined abs stretches to her left

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Real Members. Real experiences. Real talk.

“I’ve done PVOLVE both in studio and at home. If you are looking for a low-impact, strengthening workout, it’s great. The classes are challenging but don’t leave you feeling drained. I always feel great afterwards, and I do still get some soreness the next day.”

– Sarah A.

“I’m a 6-time bone cancer survivor. Stage 4. Age 37. I had half my femur removed from the cancer when I was 19 and cannot do any high-impact exercise. No running. No jumping. I stopped working out all together for many years. And then PVOLVE came around. A workout I can do. I sweat every day I work out. I make it a priority. I’m stronger. And my left leg that was so weak is stronger than ever.”

– Emily C.

“As someone who has sustained and rehabilitated many injuries over the years, Pvolve has helped with my alignment, flexibility, awareness and balance. The instructors are fantastic, super knowledgeable and are truly invested in each client perfecting their form and getting the best experience.”

– Leonora D.